Private Hatha Yoga classes on request

Hatha Yoga classes & Therapeutic Yoga classes  on request 

These classes are made for people who want to learn the asanas and heal their body or keep it in a good shape. Behind the teaching there is many years of experience

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Vocal Yoga classes with Caroline

In a Vocal Yoga class you will learn how to be an instrument, how to be fully in healing vibration and how to let go of any blocks that have limited your resonance potential. Sound healing has become very popular, but without the inclusion of the voice you can only scratch the surface of your healing potential.

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Christine P.

Integral Therapist Including Psychotherapy, Yoga Therapy, Energetic therapy , and awareness development: for children and adults.

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Vocal Yoga Classes : A practice to explore the positive and healing power of conscious sounds via Nada & Bija.

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