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Our Therapists



Training and sessions in Kinesiology are proposed by Ricardo.
Ricardo has been an acupuncturist, hypnotherapist and kinesiologist for over 20 years. When he discovered this form of therapy, it became his passion and he made it his profession. He later established his own school of kinesiology, ASTM, located in Paris, France. He has also created various kinesiology techniques of his own. He taught for 13 years then came to settle in Auroville where he has lived and received people for 3 years.



Kinesiologie” Harmonique1 & 2” – Par international kinesiology college – ASTM -77400- 2003
Diploma Kinesiologie “ Touch for health” Art de la sante et du test musculaire- ASTM- 2003
Diploma Kinesiologie «  3 concepts en un » «  kinesio educative »  2004
Diploma Kinesiology » Instructor training workshopfor touch for health » ASTM 2005

Diploma pratician in chinese energy – By institut pratique d’energetique chinoise- paris -2005
Diploma Pratition in hypnosis  – by New york training institute- Paris 2006 

Master in hypnosis – by british hypnosis researchh -2009

Certification “ crano sacre1-2-3-4- Rolf Kammerer 2009
certificatiob “ wellness Kinesiology” include module “ stress release” , les 8 merveilleux vaisseaux” “ les exercices biokinetiques” By international institute Bellingham USA 2016

What he offers: 

Therapeutic kinesiology sessions 2 hour session- 
For who :
Acute physical/chronic pain
Imbalance and emotional blockages
Medical  history will be questioned

Training courses:
Touch for Health:
4 modules of 2 days and 1 of 3 days / 5 days

– Brain Gym:
2 modules of 2 days and 1 of 3 days/7 days 

– Psycho-emotional Kinesiology:
1 module of 2 days and 3 modules of 4 days
day module

– Stress Release:
3 modules of 2 days

– Psycho-Energetic Kinesiology:
1 module of 5 days

– Tissue Release:
1 module of 5 days


Mob:  7598309202

Whats app :  +33686928426