Our Classes
Hatha Yoga Classes - Particulars classes on request
Hatha Yoga classes & Therapeutic Yoga classes on request
These classes are made for people who want to learn the asanas and heal their body or keep it in a good shape. Behind the teaching there is many years of experience about the anatomy of the body, the equilibrium between mind/body & energy.
We will explore and design the Serie with the asanas beneficial to you in particular

Hatha Yoga is the in-depth study of asanas (postures) and pranayama (breath control).
There are over 200 classical yoga postures and 14 different types of Pranayamas *; from simple postures to spectacular posture, to say the least.
The postures or asanas have been structured and categorized so that they are both within reach of the beginner as well as within the reach of the advanced student. Changes are made and they allow the student to progress. When the latter, through its regular practice, gains in flexibility, strength and sensitivity in the body and mind, it then works on more difficult postures.
With each asana *, I help you improve your alignment, in order to achieve perfect alignment, while staying focused on your breathing.
We will end with the relaxation which allows the body to integrate the changes it has just experienced through the asanas *, to integrate the emotions that the asanas * have triggered. Relaxation at the end of the course helps to create harmony between body and mind and to develop calm and inner peace.

Minimum of 5 classes-
Yoga/ Meditation/Relaxation
Fees: 6000rs
Classes last for 1h 15 min
Holistic Health Care
Opposite Blue Basket supermarket- 1st Floor- Kuilapalayam
Auroville Main Road